Title Booklist

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Book Title

  • £Price ISBN: Pub Date: 14/12/18
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Book Title

  • £Price ISBN: Pub Date: 14/12/18
    Two Paragraphs blurb or reason it’s on the reading list. (1- 2 paragraphs is perfect amount for not mesing up formatting)

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Book Title

  • £Price ISBN: Pub Date: 14/12/18
    Two Paragraphs blurb or reason it’s on the reading list. (1- 2 paragraphs is perfect amount for not mesing up formatting)

  • 1-2 paragraphs

Book Title

  • £Price ISBN: Pub Date: 14/12/18
    Two Paragraphs blurb or reason it’s on the reading list. (1- 2 paragraphs is perfect amount for not mesing up formatting)

  • 1-2 paragraphs

Book Title

  • £Price ISBN: Pub Date: 14/12/18
    Two Paragraphs blurb or reason it’s on the reading list. (1- 2 paragraphs is perfect amount for not mesing up formatting)

  • 1-2 paragraphs

Book Title

  • £Price ISBN: Pub Date: 14/12/18
    Two Paragraphs blurb or reason it’s on the reading list. (1- 2 paragraphs is perfect amount for not mesing up formatting)

  • 1-2 paragraphs

Book Title

  • £Price ISBN: Pub Date: 14/12/18
    Two Paragraphs blurb or reason it’s on the reading list. (1- 2 paragraphs is perfect amount for not mesing up formatting)

  • 1-2 paragraphs

Book Title

  • £Price ISBN: Pub Date: 14/12/18
    Two Paragraphs blurb or reason it’s on the reading list. (1- 2 paragraphs is perfect amount for not mesing up formatting)

  • 1-2 paragraphs

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